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By Smoretown
Published: Aug 20, 2019 - 5 years ago
Been a while, hasn't it? Well, here I am. Will I stay? Eh, probably not. Just felt like reassuring people I'm not dead. You may be wondering why I left. Well, time for an explanation: The first and foremost reason is that my motivation to animate stepped off a cliff into a deep, dark abyss. My motivation would be resurrected for a day every so often, but not enough to finish something. I have 8 animations/animatics that I started or worked on in the last month, but all of them were dropped a few seconds in to their creation. Heck, one of them is from two days ago. One period lasted four days. But then my motivation will jump back into the abyss. The second reason? I've been fairly busy. I've been going to lots of day camps and I'm trying to relax this summer when I have free days, which means I'm doing things that aren't making lazy animations I hate in the end and get no reward from. Now reason number three: mental health. Let's say you make an animation that takes 2+ hours. Then you don't get any favorites or comments on it. You thought it was one of the best things you ever animated. At the time, that made me feel extremely invalidated. I understand it's not healthy to rely on others to improve your self-esteem or make you feel like you have value, and I'm not saying you should give me pity likes, but it can make you feel terrible. I've gotten out of this ditch through some very helpful antidepressants, but my mental health got worse from this website, and I don't want to go back to that. The next reason is that the community is dead. SlimAnimation had a very large decline in posts, comments etc. I would use SlimAnimation to socialize with people on the Internet. Then the update happened. The main reason I returned is gone. Fifth and finally, the drawing on here is terrible. I started using Krita to make animations I have the motivation to make instead of this godforsaken website. Anyway, so long, farewell, and give up hope of my return. Wishing you all well.
Been a while, hasn't it? Well, here I am. Will I stay? Eh, probably not. Just felt like reassuring people I'm not dead. You may be wondering why I left. Well, time for an explanation: The first and foremost reason is that my motivation to animate stepped off a cliff into a deep, dark abyss. My motivation would be resurrected for a day every so often, but not enough to finish something. I have 8 animations/animatics that I started or worked on in the last month, but all of them were dropped a few seconds in to their creation. Heck, one of them is from two days ago. One period lasted four days. But then my motivation will jump back into the abyss. The second reason? I've been fairly busy. I've been going to lots of day camps and I'm trying to relax this summer when I have free days, which means I'm doing things that aren't making lazy animations I hate in the end and get no reward from. Now reason number three: mental health. Let's say you make an animation that takes 2+ hours. Then you don't get any favorites or comments on it. You thought it was one of the best things you ever animated. At the time, that made me feel extremely invalidated. I understand it's not healthy to rely on others to improve your self-esteem or make you feel like you have value, and I'm not saying you should give me pity likes, but it can make you feel terrible. I've gotten out of this ditch through some very helpful antidepressants, but my mental health got worse from this website, and I don't want to go back to that. The next reason is that the community is dead. SlimAnimation had a very large decline in posts, comments etc. I would use SlimAnimation to socialize with people on the Internet. Then the update happened. The main reason I returned is gone. Fifth and finally, the drawing on here is terrible. I started using Krita to make animations I have the motivation to make instead of this godforsaken website. Anyway, so long, farewell, and give up hope of my return. Wishing you all well.
Stats: 0.2 seconds, 1 frames, 18 KB
Comments (19)
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5 years ago
good for you

5 years ago
I cant read.

5 years ago
I know but I can delete a few was it maxed out sorry i thought i deleted enough

5 years ago
so expect a friend from flora_andfauna

5 years ago
buy i will friend you on roblox

5 years ago

5 years ago
me as well I feel the same think as kittenkat

5 years ago
I don’t know what to say, but it makes me sad.

5 years ago
Minecraft: Smoretown

5 years ago
Roblox: Smoretown
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