Stick Arena Pt. 5
Published: Mar 4, 2019 - 6 years ago
A long awaited fight between two inhumanly powerful stick figures. One light and one dark. The intense battle rushes in and one will remain standing after. The balance of the stick world is shifted. This fight will determine the true stick figure. Who will win? Find out at the end.
A long awaited fight between two inhumanly powerful stick figures. One light and one dark. The intense battle rushes in and one will remain standing after. The balance of the stick world is shifted. This fight will determine the true stick figure. Who will win? Find out at the end.
Stats: 37.88 seconds, 500 frames, 1 MB
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6 years ago

6 years ago

6 years ago
they've gone super sayan!!!

6 years ago
Don't celebrate too early. O_o