Dear @SlimAnimation
By Elara
Published: Jun 30, 2018 - 6 years ago
@SlimAnimation As I said in my last post I completely respect and understand the decision you guys have made. Not that I don’t have my quarrels with it though. From the way I see it you are losing, really, a lot of people and users with this choice. Even though I don’t know your actual premium member account numbers, I can’t imagine they are anywhere close to how many people are leaving… So if you do end up seeing this maybe you’ll change your minds and use these, or parts of these suggestions insead. Like @RIKA and many others suggested, adding advertisements on your site would be an alternative. As long as it’s not over bearing, I’m sure many people wouldn’t mind. As a bonus premium would be ad free and give more incentives to buy it! Another suggestion I had would be simply adding more perks to premium to incentivise it more. Maybe figure out a way for them to use sound in their animations! I feel like, at least I would, buy premium if it had more to offer. I understand though that this wouldn’t change the younger users parents to trust the site. I would suggest possibly advertising yourselfs more too. This could bring in more customers for premium and maybe make your site seem more viable and trusted. Also making your payment methods completely transparent, maybe a whole small section on the homepage of the it would help those parents be less indecisive. Also I understand $12 a year is already cheap, but think about doing tiers of premium. If you use the more perks suggestion this would be a lot easier. Plus if you have a $2 flat version with minimum accessories, it could easily be compared to a app purchase on a phone. It would also feel less like a dedication and an easy choice to make. Anyways, only suggestions I thought I’d share. No point in keeping them to myself. Also sorry if I seemed dramatic in this, I just had my hopes up for this site and I a bit sad I have to leave. Maybe one day I visit and decide to be a premium member though, who knows. Thank you for taking the time to read this though :) P.S Thanks to the person who reminded me to tag them XD and yes I am a very dramatic person :)
@SlimAnimation As I said in my last post I completely respect and understand the decision you guys have made. Not that I don’t have my quarrels with it though. From the way I see it you are losing, really, a lot of people and users with this choice. Even though I don’t know your actual premium member account numbers, I can’t imagine they are anywhere close to how many people are leaving… So if you do end up seeing this maybe you’ll change your minds and use these, or parts of these suggestions insead. Like @RIKA and many others suggested, adding advertisements on your site would be an alternative. As long as it’s not over bearing, I’m sure many people wouldn’t mind. As a bonus premium would be ad free and give more incentives to buy it! Another suggestion I had would be simply adding more perks to premium to incentivise it more. Maybe figure out a way for them to use sound in their animations! I feel like, at least I would, buy premium if it had more to offer. I understand though that this wouldn’t change the younger users parents to trust the site. I would suggest possibly advertising yourselfs more too. This could bring in more customers for premium and maybe make your site seem more viable and trusted. Also making your payment methods completely transparent, maybe a whole small section on the homepage of the it would help those parents be less indecisive. Also I understand $12 a year is already cheap, but think about doing tiers of premium. If you use the more perks suggestion this would be a lot easier. Plus if you have a $2 flat version with minimum accessories, it could easily be compared to a app purchase on a phone. It would also feel less like a dedication and an easy choice to make. Anyways, only suggestions I thought I’d share. No point in keeping them to myself. Also sorry if I seemed dramatic in this, I just had my hopes up for this site and I a bit sad I have to leave. Maybe one day I visit and decide to be a premium member though, who knows. Thank you for taking the time to read this though :) P.S Thanks to the person who reminded me to tag them XD and yes I am a very dramatic person :)
Stats: 12.3 seconds, 15 frames, 4 KB
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6 years ago
All good suggestions, and we've discussed some of those. Without getting into details, some of those just don't work because we don't have 10's of thousands of users. Ads are an example. The more free users we have, the more money the site loses, because the storage space costs money. We have discussed adding sound, but there is a substantial cost for the music. It's difficult to make that work when charging $2 a year, or even $12 a year. We do appreciate the recommendations though.

6 years ago
i agree with you

6 years ago