By winterwolf
Published: Jun 20, 2018 - 6 years ago
youre walking back from school alone. you dont know why the kids dont like you. you think youre a nobody.at this point you are stressed. becaused you pushed yourself to a limit just so people will like you and no one understands WHY are you doing this to yourself WHY cant you fit in and you cry your makeup off every night because you feel numb and dont deserve to use that wipe that takes off the chemicals to hide your ugly face off right away. you feel u need to suffer because you arent good enough because people call you a nobody and thats what youve always agreed with. well let me tell u. u are not a nobody u are a somebody to me and if someone disagrees then prove it u still live here bc u are strong and u can handle this youre living your life ven tho if its not so great u make the best of it and soon u realize ppl are inpirsed by u but u do not trust them because they didnt treat u with respect till u showed them how it was to be put downed to show them that it hurts. and everything changed bc u realized how much you matter because there is only one of you..
youre walking back from school alone. you dont know why the kids dont like you. you think youre a nobody.at this point you are stressed. becaused you pushed yourself to a limit just so people will like you and no one understands WHY are you doing this to yourself WHY cant you fit in and you cry your makeup off every night because you feel numb and dont deserve to use that wipe that takes off the chemicals to hide your ugly face off right away. you feel u need to suffer because you arent good enough because people call you a nobody and thats what youve always agreed with. well let me tell u. u are not a nobody u are a somebody to me and if someone disagrees then prove it u still live here bc u are strong and u can handle this youre living your life ven tho if its not so great u make the best of it and soon u realize ppl are inpirsed by u but u do not trust them because they didnt treat u with respect till u showed them how it was to be put downed to show them that it hurts. and everything changed bc u realized how much you matter because there is only one of you..
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6 years ago
its called a poem or script its supposed to be emotional i was hoping u would realize that..

6 years ago
... ok then no one has this life but ok

6 years ago