Idea thing??
By Scouters
Published: Jun 18, 2018 - 6 years ago
uhm,,,,, I know nobody is gonna do this but whatever lol. they gotta be warm colors and some parts gotta be like honey or syrup idkdkjiugb customize them however you want, make it edgy, throw flowers everywhere hahaxhgshhxh elp
uhm,,,,, I know nobody is gonna do this but whatever lol. they gotta be warm colors and some parts gotta be like honey or syrup idkdkjiugb customize them however you want, make it edgy, throw flowers everywhere hahaxhgshhxh elp
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6 years ago

6 years ago
w8, this aint really a species if it's any animal.. more like,,, an add on to one..? no. uh xssbcxnuvhufud