god dammit,
By Depressi0n
Published: Jun 9, 2018 - 6 years ago
and I will say for the last time, Squid is NOT PrincessAshlee. Nneither am I. Now instead of making more stupid theory's that we've already said are wrong you guys can help her go away?
and I will say for the last time, Squid is NOT PrincessAshlee. Nneither am I. Now instead of making more stupid theory's that we've already said are wrong you guys can help her go away?
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6 years ago
and what are you trying to say exactly

6 years ago

6 years ago
Wow!!! I believe you Depressi0n i cant believe they say that when ASSLEE bullys Squidpie and doesnt even draw like you or her!

6 years ago