c o n f e s s i o n
By Depressi0n
Published: Jun 7, 2018 - 6 years ago
Yes, I was Tide. I didn't think things would get out of hand, but they did. It wasn't supposed to be like that. I know what I did was wrong so you don't need to tell me now. I was being an asshat. I'm sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone hates me now, but then again I deserve it.
Yes, I was Tide. I didn't think things would get out of hand, but they did. It wasn't supposed to be like that. I know what I did was wrong so you don't need to tell me now. I was being an asshat. I'm sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone hates me now, but then again I deserve it.
Stats: 0.04 seconds, 2 frames, 47 KB
Comments (21)
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6 years ago
HhH tHanK YoU So MuCh

6 years ago
Oh... Itsa fine :3 I forgive u fwen fwen

6 years ago
eh it's fine. people all make mistakes, and at least you confessed.

6 years ago
it's alright, i've done shit like that too. sorryaboutwhatisaidabouttidepodchaninmyrantoops

6 years ago
Yea sorry I was being stupid shouldn't of done it

6 years ago
You lied too me and I trusted you..

6 years ago
(ββΈβγ) just why

6 years ago
You've lied too me:'( why

6 years ago
i unfollowed

6 years ago
xD 4
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