Hagaha I can"t ms paint uwuwu
By Sprout
Published: May 23, 2018 - 6 years ago
Oh My gOD the colors are EXTrEmElY oFF on my phone camera he lP, that YELLOW was more of a neon yellow-green amd that pink looking color was brown, the background was a deep blue and my phone camera needs jesus. Well, I hope you like my doodle anyways, oof ahahgagaga
Oh My gOD the colors are EXTrEmElY oFF on my phone camera he lP, that YELLOW was more of a neon yellow-green amd that pink looking color was brown, the background was a deep blue and my phone camera needs jesus. Well, I hope you like my doodle anyways, oof ahahgagaga
Stats: 0.2 seconds, 1 frames, 59 KB
Comments (4)
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6 years ago
uwu ty ty

6 years ago
Noice! =3

6 years ago
Wait, i'm stupid

6 years ago
No not MS,, just paint