Oh hey, remember how I was "assauting " users? Nope, sure the gore piece was a bit much, but I only called RainbowGamer out for traceing and claiming the art to be hers, then she overreacted with "I'll get slim" and shit like that, I responded with sarcasm and continued to, as you say "assault" ( even though it clearly wasn't ) her, I continued because I find it funny
Published: May 14, 2018 - 6 years ago
@WolfDoll @RainbowGamer oh and I changed the password, kiss this account goodbye, @KitTheWaifuRadish ~~~
@WolfDoll @RainbowGamer oh and I changed the password, kiss this account goodbye, @KitTheWaifuRadish ~~~
Stats: 0.2 seconds, 1 frames, 9 KB
Comments (3)
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6 years ago
Yea, I had seen this account a while back, and was typing in random numbers as the pass, and one of them worked, so I just kinda took over

6 years ago
okie, i don't really go into collabs anymore cause of shit like this.

6 years ago