Kinda quitting? DESC please.

Published: May 13, 2018   -   6 years ago
So uh, I'm not COMPLETLY quitting, I'm just almost never gonna post. I'll still be online and stuff, commenting here and there. And if you wanna get in contact with me, on wattpad i'm : KitTheRadish. The reason I'm partly leaving is because I've been overwhelmed by depression and suicidal thoughts, I didn't wanna talk about this before ( that's why I'm doing it NOW ) because I didn't wanna seem like I just wanted attention, I just don't have much support from my irl friends and from my parents about this, but I need to talk to them about the suicide attempts at some point, so I'm taking a break. If anything happens, @Maria_OC will tell me, don't worry. So um, I'm not quitting for attention or for pity, I'm quitting because I need some time to myself and to deal with my depression, and slim, I know "no personal stuff in uc gallery" but please, I figured they should at least know why I'm gone, so please allow this. And, some smaller reasons I quit : slim doesn't trust me, too much drama, running out of inspiration, I suck, Sebastian sucks and I have to deal with it on wattpad. So, goodbye you guys!
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Comments (8)
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6 years ago
6 years ago
I really hope you feel better soon, friend. I will now go follow you on Wattpad.
6 years ago
Feel better :)
6 years ago
6 years ago
Well, I sincerely hope you start feeling better soon... see ya around.
6 years ago
6 years ago
Thanks Cable cat
6 years ago
Don't worry Kitto Katto, cable cat's here for ya. Take your time and talk to your parents about your depression, health before the internet, friendo!