kinda important. (desc)
Published: May 1, 2018 - 6 years ago
Me and @Sebastian_The_Raddish aren't dating anymore. In fact, the whole "relationship" started because of a mistake/misunderstanding. so, when I broke up with her ( I kinda still felt bad tho ) she was upset but said we could be friends. Now, she's targeting me in wattpad, calling me things and being EXTREMELY selfish by commenting on my friend @LilyTheGreat 's stories just to tell me in an "a$$hole". and almost everytime i hear about her on here or look at the comments on a post it's her arguing, calling people names, and frankly kinda being a jerk. And, if she says something like "IM ONLY ACTING THIS WAY BC OF YOU!!!1!!!!!! xd ", No, this kind of behaviour and patterns have been going on BEFORE we even started dating, AND before I broke up with her. she's been, in a way, cyber bullying. it's not that bad, just mainly jerky and annoying, so I thought I'd just warn you, if she tries to verbally attack you or is an a$$, this is just a warning. watch out for her behaviour and ignore her if she's targeting you.
Me and @Sebastian_The_Raddish aren't dating anymore. In fact, the whole "relationship" started because of a mistake/misunderstanding. so, when I broke up with her ( I kinda still felt bad tho ) she was upset but said we could be friends. Now, she's targeting me in wattpad, calling me things and being EXTREMELY selfish by commenting on my friend @LilyTheGreat 's stories just to tell me in an "a$$hole". and almost everytime i hear about her on here or look at the comments on a post it's her arguing, calling people names, and frankly kinda being a jerk. And, if she says something like "IM ONLY ACTING THIS WAY BC OF YOU!!!1!!!!!! xd ", No, this kind of behaviour and patterns have been going on BEFORE we even started dating, AND before I broke up with her. she's been, in a way, cyber bullying. it's not that bad, just mainly jerky and annoying, so I thought I'd just warn you, if she tries to verbally attack you or is an a$$, this is just a warning. watch out for her behaviour and ignore her if she's targeting you.
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Comments (6)
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6 years ago
I have two accs on there, you can msg me on either one. my main acc is: KitTheRadish and my other acc is Rich_Lit_A_Fire

6 years ago

6 years ago
art / animation required for uc gallery - message related posts should be restricted to your personal gallery

6 years ago
she said she's leaving slim anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 years ago
My freind uses wattpad .w.

6 years ago
and YESSS i know she quit slim, but she's still on discord, facebook, and wattpad.