I can tell you what is in the bottle *Pulls out testing papers*
By karma_may
Published: Feb 17, 2018 - 7 years ago
As the paper reads from FBI lab testing "we have found this substance is a failed recipe for a love potion, it was deamed poison and was sent to the trash bin whare you found it" so the real thing you need to be asking is why did you IGNORE the warning lable and drink it??
As the paper reads from FBI lab testing "we have found this substance is a failed recipe for a love potion, it was deamed poison and was sent to the trash bin whare you found it" so the real thing you need to be asking is why did you IGNORE the warning lable and drink it??
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7 years ago

7 years ago
*She stares at her, eyes wide*

7 years ago
*cracks fingers* Ill be back *grabs a base ball bat*

7 years ago

7 years ago
he didn't pay for it

7 years ago
wait and he stole

7 years ago
So yes frost was right