By Marshmallow
Published: Dec 28, 2017 - 7 years ago
Should marshmallow be mature or immature? I currently had marshmallow's personality as Immature but he is acting a bit mature(?) right now. Should I Change his personality to mature or would he lose his noteworthy characteristics? (I'm also thinking of making marshmallow a male but he can be whatever the heck you want em to be :P)
Should marshmallow be mature or immature? I currently had marshmallow's personality as Immature but he is acting a bit mature(?) right now. Should I Change his personality to mature or would he lose his noteworthy characteristics? (I'm also thinking of making marshmallow a male but he can be whatever the heck you want em to be :P)
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7 years ago
Hmm ok.
(I should also focus on brownie which is that brown bunny you see sometimes)

7 years ago
make them the OPPOSITE of you