Published: Dec 24, 2017 - 6 years ago
One evening on a rabbit was taken in from a glacier they found them in. That rabbit was found pregnant. After a few weeks the rabbit went in labor but it was not what the vets expected....a rabbit with unnatural baby blue ears,eyes and a pannern on their stomach. They sent a scientist to observe the peculiar kit. When the scientist discovered what happened the mother rabbit was found to have pneumonia. After continuous exams, there was no explanation for the strange kit they gave birth to. The baby bunny would not eat anything but marshmallows. They decided to continue the research but nothing worked, there was no explanation to it. So they brushed it off and set marshmallow free. After awhile marshmallow ran into Hanno,Marshmallow would not leave her side so she dealt with it. And for a long time they became attached to eachother and they now live tough side by side. (Man,this took forever to type. Praise me pls I don't usually type this much XD)
One evening on a rabbit was taken in from a glacier they found them in. That rabbit was found pregnant. After a few weeks the rabbit went in labor but it was not what the vets expected....a rabbit with unnatural baby blue ears,eyes and a pannern on their stomach. They sent a scientist to observe the peculiar kit. When the scientist discovered what happened the mother rabbit was found to have pneumonia. After continuous exams, there was no explanation for the strange kit they gave birth to. The baby bunny would not eat anything but marshmallows. They decided to continue the research but nothing worked, there was no explanation to it. So they brushed it off and set marshmallow free. After awhile marshmallow ran into Hanno,Marshmallow would not leave her side so she dealt with it. And for a long time they became attached to eachother and they now live tough side by side. (Man,this took forever to type. Praise me pls I don't usually type this much XD)
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Comments (3)
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6 years ago
6 years ago
I like the backstory! It's original!
6 years ago
Sorry for the "on" at the start. Grammar mistake.