Chara Vs Sans Fight! (If this gets more than 30 favorites one day I will make a full version!)
Published: Dec 19, 2017 - 7 years ago
Favorite for a Full fight or a battle with Mettaton or Muffet! Or maybe even all three? PLEASE DO NOT POST ON YOUTUBE OR ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA. DO NOT POST AND CREDIT JUST DON'T PUBLISH THIS ANYWHERE ELSE!
Favorite for a Full fight or a battle with Mettaton or Muffet! Or maybe even all three? PLEASE DO NOT POST ON YOUTUBE OR ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA. DO NOT POST AND CREDIT JUST DON'T PUBLISH THIS ANYWHERE ELSE!
Stats: 27.34 seconds, 216 frames, 1 MB
Comments (2)
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6 years ago
I'm doing a simalar thing but with goku vs naruto (with guests)

7 years ago
I don't own the background and took it from google. Sorry! I can't find where it was so I can't credit..