(Edited in july 7th 2020) This is crap and don't look at this

Published: Dec 19, 2017   -   6 years ago
Stats: 0.2 seconds,   1 frames,   16 KB
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2 years ago
Rustling of the leaves used to be my lullaby In the sunny South when I was a tot so high And now that I have grown And myself alone Cradle me where Southern skies Can watch me with a million eyes Sing me to sleep Lullaby of the leaves Cover me with heaven's blue And let me dream a dream or two Sing me to sleep Lullaby of the leaves I'm breezing along, along with the breeze I'm hearing a song, a song thru the trees Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh That fine melody caressing the shore Familiar to me,