<3 for Nicole
Published: Dec 13, 2017 - 7 years ago
Nicole is having troubles w/ Cyber Bullying. Lets join hands through the internet and leave a <3 for her. Show her how much we love her for herself. WE <3 YOU NICOLE!
Nicole is having troubles w/ Cyber Bullying. Lets join hands through the internet and leave a <3 for her. Show her how much we love her for herself. WE <3 YOU NICOLE!
Stats: 0.2 seconds, 1 frames, 30 KB
Comments (20)
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7 years ago
i think i should give a <3
XD thats the whole point right :)

7 years ago
Um i told tyler off.
He got grounded from slim for ever by his mom and dad.
He can't have internet now.
That is what he got.
He is a real jackass somtimes and now he's paying for it.
I told his parents and they are taking him to counseling.
OwwO your comment on my slim was not nice but wth :) X___X
So thats the wrap.
Nicole i hope you can forget about this and it won't happen again!
Take care.

7 years ago
Who cares about Tyler anymore? Its Nicole we are focusing on. So how about showing her a little <3.

7 years ago
*them, don't wanna assume, what

7 years ago
it's pretty obvious tylor's a bratty little prick, how about we just ignore him, eh?

7 years ago
OwleenaLuvzOwlz is right you deserve this!

7 years ago
thanks guys uwu

7 years ago
I just got on a read the comment on some animations I think that Taylor was being a total jerk,Nicole I'm so sorry that this always happens. You are so strog to take all of this

7 years ago
U deserve it Nicole! <3

7 years ago
guys ;w; you srsly didnt have to do this 4 me. im a normal person like all of you. you guys deserve better then protecting me all the time cuz i cant keep my yap shut ;w; but still... Thx
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