Lip sync test 1# (Voice Reveal!)
By CSquare
Published: Feb 19, 2021 - 4 years ago
This is just practice for my lip sync YouTube videos I'm trying to upload. Every time my OC is shocked by something or someone it always says this catchphrase: (which is in this link This my first time doing a voice reveal of my 11 year old voice! Not bad! You will hear my voice in all of my YouTube story animations. I'm sorry for the 9 month hiatus on my channel. If you didnt know, my channel is Csquare2 go check it out and subscribe I'm almost done with my third and last story animation. It is about 7 minutes long! The 2nd one is 4 mintues long, and my first is 45 seconds. Stay tuned! If you didn't know, my mom's birthday is in 4 more days! (February 23) She will turn 49. Thanks for reading this message and have a nice day! :)
This is just practice for my lip sync YouTube videos I'm trying to upload. Every time my OC is shocked by something or someone it always says this catchphrase: (which is in this link This my first time doing a voice reveal of my 11 year old voice! Not bad! You will hear my voice in all of my YouTube story animations. I'm sorry for the 9 month hiatus on my channel. If you didnt know, my channel is Csquare2 go check it out and subscribe I'm almost done with my third and last story animation. It is about 7 minutes long! The 2nd one is 4 mintues long, and my first is 45 seconds. Stay tuned! If you didn't know, my mom's birthday is in 4 more days! (February 23) She will turn 49. Thanks for reading this message and have a nice day! :)
Stats: 1.6 seconds, 21 frames, 49 KB
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4 years ago

4 years ago
I rate this 9 out of 10

4 years ago
a cool thing I gonna make mouths in my animations soon too

4 years ago
How do you rate the lip sync?

4 years ago
I am REALLY sorry for not posting often. I want to make YouTube content to get monetized instead of working on a site like SlimAnimation where you can't get monetized. The only reason why I have SlimAnimation is for practice. Not the real deal. If I can, I will give you more sneak peeks, audio clips, and catchphrases, which will soon be discovered. Have a nice day!! And happy early birthday Mom!!!

4 years ago
Also what the mouth is saying is "What the sqaure." My catchphrase.