For the final time.
Published: Nov 26, 2020 - 4 years ago
Yeah, I know I've said this multiple times in the past, but I finally know why I don't belong here. There are a select few people on this website that are pretty cool, Zane, Demonwolf, Eli, Ruby, Wasabi, Kitk, all that lot. But the rest of you, and I mean this in the meanest way possible, you have some pretty HORRIBLE opinions. Like your opinions are SO BAD... Vox, anyone on the BlueGiant account, the slow192pluto or whatever it is, anyone that got mad at me for making a remark, or joke, now or in the past, they just have TERRIBLE opinions. They are a nonamebunchofnumbers on twitter. Their opinions are just so bad. Ok, enough taking the shit out of their shit opinions, its just, annoying. Not everything is "edgy" or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, and you don't have to make it that way, either. And I just don't belong in a place where everyone is so over-sensitive. All of my jokes are, and will be, SLIGHTLY offensive to A SMALL NUMBER of people. But when I target those hypersensitive group, they come after me like a group of search dogs after a convict. They will not leave me alone. I just don't belong whenever people can't take a joke, considering my life is one prolonged joke, and since I make so many. No, I'm not a creep, are you fuckin stupid? I would be on PornHub instead of an animating website for the age range of 8-16. And again, I just don't belong. Also, by a show of hands, who here is Heterosexual and has stayed their birth gender and go by pronouns according to if they have a dick or not? See? Not very many I would say. (That's one of the jokes that offends people. :) So, to sum this all up, I just don't find a good sense of community here, and I think you all feel the same way about me. But, if you are one of the people I mentioned earlier, feel free to add me Tlayman7#8629 and if you wanna I'll open up a slot on my server for the homies. Note: Offensive jokes, expect MY sense of humor, I surround myself with those people. Or, if you want to talk me out of leaving, (I mean, I won't listen but you can tell me how smart, and funny, and handsome, and cool, and nice, and attractive I am.) I'll be back online on Saturday, feel free to speak words and insult me. If you don't have discord, or don't want to wait two days for a response, talk to me in the comments, I'll be online for the next few hours. I'm out.
Yeah, I know I've said this multiple times in the past, but I finally know why I don't belong here. There are a select few people on this website that are pretty cool, Zane, Demonwolf, Eli, Ruby, Wasabi, Kitk, all that lot. But the rest of you, and I mean this in the meanest way possible, you have some pretty HORRIBLE opinions. Like your opinions are SO BAD... Vox, anyone on the BlueGiant account, the slow192pluto or whatever it is, anyone that got mad at me for making a remark, or joke, now or in the past, they just have TERRIBLE opinions. They are a nonamebunchofnumbers on twitter. Their opinions are just so bad. Ok, enough taking the shit out of their shit opinions, its just, annoying. Not everything is "edgy" or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, and you don't have to make it that way, either. And I just don't belong in a place where everyone is so over-sensitive. All of my jokes are, and will be, SLIGHTLY offensive to A SMALL NUMBER of people. But when I target those hypersensitive group, they come after me like a group of search dogs after a convict. They will not leave me alone. I just don't belong whenever people can't take a joke, considering my life is one prolonged joke, and since I make so many. No, I'm not a creep, are you fuckin stupid? I would be on PornHub instead of an animating website for the age range of 8-16. And again, I just don't belong. Also, by a show of hands, who here is Heterosexual and has stayed their birth gender and go by pronouns according to if they have a dick or not? See? Not very many I would say. (That's one of the jokes that offends people. :) So, to sum this all up, I just don't find a good sense of community here, and I think you all feel the same way about me. But, if you are one of the people I mentioned earlier, feel free to add me Tlayman7#8629 and if you wanna I'll open up a slot on my server for the homies. Note: Offensive jokes, expect MY sense of humor, I surround myself with those people. Or, if you want to talk me out of leaving, (I mean, I won't listen but you can tell me how smart, and funny, and handsome, and cool, and nice, and attractive I am.) I'll be back online on Saturday, feel free to speak words and insult me. If you don't have discord, or don't want to wait two days for a response, talk to me in the comments, I'll be online for the next few hours. I'm out.
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Comments (27)
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4 years ago
friend me on discord

4 years ago
have a good life ;)

4 years ago
HAH Theo got banned?

4 years ago
im sorry i got you banned..

4 years ago

4 years ago
OKAY APOLOGIES FOR FAVORITING- I did it on accident. But to be honest? Even though I love (most) people here, people can’t take a joke sometimes. I don’t know what PH is but I’m assuming it’s kinda bad? But you’ve given???? No reason for anyone to think you look at bad stuff???? Idk man this sites wild as hell. Anyway, I hope you have a great life after you leave slim, okay? You’re super freakin chill man and I hope you do well. Adios, amigo.

4 years ago
oh and btw, me acknowledging the existence of porn on the internet does not qualify me as a pervert. but sure, one wisecracked comment and i struggle with a porn addiction :shrug:

4 years ago
oh sorry i fell asleep reading blue's responses... them and their little baby insults

4 years ago
Bye lovies!!! <3

4 years ago
Just don't think about it to hard, you'll sprain your brain
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