slim (desc)
By Alex_sander
Published: Nov 20, 2020 - 4 years ago
no, please. Guys can we stop fighting. Next we're going to make BlueGiant, KittenKatk, and WasabiWolf, leave this site. We're going to end up killing slim single handedly. We're going to make amazing animators leave slim, and then we'll all leave, so please stop fighting. There could be a problem and it can be discussed but it doesn't have to kill off the whole site. Please think ahead before you do things, we are going to kill off the site and lose amazing animators. thanks for listening to me ramble, just please think about this.
no, please. Guys can we stop fighting. Next we're going to make BlueGiant, KittenKatk, and WasabiWolf, leave this site. We're going to end up killing slim single handedly. We're going to make amazing animators leave slim, and then we'll all leave, so please stop fighting. There could be a problem and it can be discussed but it doesn't have to kill off the whole site. Please think ahead before you do things, we are going to kill off the site and lose amazing animators. thanks for listening to me ramble, just please think about this.
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Comments (4)
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4 years ago
eh, it was funny

4 years ago
thank you kitten

4 years ago

4 years ago
i’m not leaving don’t worry