If you get it, you get it
By MISTER123123
Published: Nov 5, 2020 - 4 years ago
Some people will immediately know what this is, if you don't, go to youtube, and look up dani. KARLSON IN DA HOUSE
Some people will immediately know what this is, if you don't, go to youtube, and look up dani. KARLSON IN DA HOUSE
Stats: 0.2 seconds, 1 frames, 53 KB
Comments (10)
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4 years ago
wishlist now GAMERS so we can get to the number 1 SPOT!!!

4 years ago

4 years ago
if you made this you should post it on the sub

4 years ago
Wishlist on steam now, GAMERS

4 years ago
Very much so

4 years ago
they are not making ia and the other people who have shared their friendship and they all have been graded in the past and it is not a big deal or a a lot to say to them because they're so the only person to be friends and I have a different sense that you can change your moods because you are really not making a decision that they are really good to them because you don't hide your own feelings because you have a good life you can not have them and they do it for them because you don't hide the

4 years ago
watery and his machine i kept braking

4 years ago

4 years ago
I GET IT!!!!

4 years ago
Comment if you get it