slim (check desc)
By Alex_sander
Published: Nov 4, 2020 - 4 years ago
Hey! I recently broke my arm and it's extremely hard to animate and draw, so I might not be posting for a bit (like 6 weeks). With my cast it really limits my ability to animate for everyone, so I'll try to make some stick men animations since thats the only thing I can really do now. Once my arm heals and I can take my cast off I'll be back animating and drawing, but for now I cant do too much but I'll try to post once in a while. Anyway, thanks for reading all this see you all when my arm heals!
Hey! I recently broke my arm and it's extremely hard to animate and draw, so I might not be posting for a bit (like 6 weeks). With my cast it really limits my ability to animate for everyone, so I'll try to make some stick men animations since thats the only thing I can really do now. Once my arm heals and I can take my cast off I'll be back animating and drawing, but for now I cant do too much but I'll try to post once in a while. Anyway, thanks for reading all this see you all when my arm heals!
Stats: 0.2 seconds, 1 frames, 459 bytes
Comments (2)
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4 years ago
I’ll try to still do stick fights.

4 years ago
r u gonna do stick fights