Finished dat list -Mari

Published: May 5, 2020   -   4 years ago
I still haven't finished a good chunk of these shows/series- And no the "sunshine lollipops" thing isn't an EW reference i just despise the song with every cell in my body Tyvm.
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4 years ago
Shari is the karen two doors down that contsantly calls the cops on you over every little thing - Mari
4 years ago
- Wasabi grr
4 years ago
also what's wrong with Shari ;-;
4 years ago
As an op breaking point player with a 2.20 K/D rate and 200+ wins that's very respectable, it does make you mad after a while
4 years ago
I have to disguise myself every round as something different so people don’t constantly go for me, also if you are a bacon its time to die. breaking point isnt very fun all the time
4 years ago
no breaking point is good u meanie >:(