blue moon fe2 animation ( yes I play this)
By YaBoiPete123
Published: Feb 10, 2020 - 5 years ago
50% of my project are gonna be these long animations. Of stickmen running. ... Ok well this is from a game called ROBLOX. To those normal people. The other 50% is gonna be dumb things. IDK what but, You ppl can ask meh anything and ill make it. ( most of the time). SO YEAH!
50% of my project are gonna be these long animations. Of stickmen running. ... Ok well this is from a game called ROBLOX. To those normal people. The other 50% is gonna be dumb things. IDK what but, You ppl can ask meh anything and ill make it. ( most of the time). SO YEAH!
Stats: 69.75 seconds, 617 frames, 3 MB
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