Wow Comment of the so called nice guy goes too....
By TemaKawaii
Published: Feb 7, 2020 - 5 years ago
W H Y ? @mrghoulguy7- so now its this my acc was a dumb meme acc and now your attacking people saying oh no you don't care about kitten ( as long as kitten doesn't show their parent that post or something of that sort it wont effect them how ever your taking it to far for someone who so "Mr. Nice guy" / Cover Act
W H Y ? @mrghoulguy7- so now its this my acc was a dumb meme acc and now your attacking people saying oh no you don't care about kitten ( as long as kitten doesn't show their parent that post or something of that sort it wont effect them how ever your taking it to far for someone who so "Mr. Nice guy" / Cover Act
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5 years ago
tema on discord this man dm'ed me "Shut up idiot go fucking die" twice and "I mean it go kill yourself"

5 years ago
Protecting a friendship doesn't mean attacking people

5 years ago
just trying to protect my friendship