Yall ever had this?

Published: Jan 31, 2020   -   4 years ago
I was making hot chocolate, like mixing the powder in with my microwaved milk, and I see some goop hanging off the neck of my spoon, I pull it out with my fingers, and it's this goo?? It had some brown parts in it bc of the cocoa mix but without it I would have gotten this white slime? Like, it feels like the cheap teary slime you've made at school or something wat is it can someone tell me lol
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4 years ago
i think you have that either bc 1: milk spoiled, or 2: side effect from microwaved milk, or 3: maybe that brand of chocolate is doodoo and is making goop
4 years ago
what if i have never had chocolate hot
4 years ago
i looked at that and immediately thought of something eLSe -kev