Please help (desc)
By snuggly1600
Published: Jan 3, 2020 - 5 years ago
So I want to try to use beepbox for the first time and everything is confusing........ can I have help? There is like this werid gritty sound I dont like I dont understand anything T-T
So I want to try to use beepbox for the first time and everything is confusing........ can I have help? There is like this werid gritty sound I dont like I dont understand anything T-T
Stats: 0.4 seconds, 4 frames, 25 KB
Comments (4)
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5 years ago
Cool please do

5 years ago
im almost good at using it

5 years ago
i can help u

5 years ago
I have no idea how to use it either, you're not alone