Im paranoid rn

Published: Aug 24, 2019   -   5 years ago
im crying, I have a knife next to me, and there's no one in my house. ANd I feel like someone is going to come to my house that I dont know, im so scared
Stats: 0.2 seconds,   1 frames,   425 bytes
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5 years ago
1 , 2 Thanos coming for you 3 , 4 Better grab your stones 5 , 6 You will cease to exist 7 , 8 Can u save the day 9 , 10 You shouldve gone for the head
5 years ago
just turn every light on in your house
5 years ago
or just make a wall of fire with some gasoline and a lighter
5 years ago
If ya think you're gonna have a panic or anxiety attack I would suggest wrapping yourself up in blankets and doin breathing exercises if things start to feel worse. And if you think you're gonna hurt yourself with the knife I would put it away so you don't get the urge to stab yourself. It's also late anyways so you should rest soon.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Don’t worry man, it’s gonna be okay. Ur safe. If ur scared, i recommend doing something to distract you or stay in a place u find to be safe, like ur room. It’s gonna be fine.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Oh no I’m sure nothing will Happen